Thursday, August 19, 2004

It has been a while since I last posted. And some new developments happened and are hopefully happening. First off, I very excited to see Kristin on Saturday. I haven't seen her in six weeks and timne has been passing by so slowly since I last saw her on the east coast. I also have started my EMT class on Monday and I'm very excited about it. It's at Citrus college, right next to APU. I plan on posting a lot of details about the class, especially about my clinicals. I'm sure that there will be good storys to tell. It also looks like i might be getting hired to substitute teach in Whittier. I hope this is the case, seeing that I called the school district office twenty times before they finally got me a interview and they are now taking my fingerprints and getting my emergency credential. With this news, I will also be moving back to Whittier. It's up in the air where exactly I will be living, depending on if Darren moves to Seattle for awhile. So it seems that all the things that I was praying about and hoping for about two months ago have almost come through. God is good.

1 comment:

dmh said...

dope. i'll be back tomorrow. let's talk, emt.
