Thursday, January 12, 2006

I had a little run in with a concerned neighbor today. Thought it was not my residential neighbor but one near the school I work at.

Every morning I wake up at 5:30am so that I may have an hour of time to read before work. This hour of reading time is spent near the school where I work at in Reseda. A time where I can have a large coffee, and spend the beginning of the day feeding my mind and soul. At about 8am I had “concerned citizen” tap on my window, asking me to roll it down. This women ended up berating me and telling me that “sickos” such as myself should be killed for preying on young mentally disabled children. I later let her know that I work at the school.

But this sort of thing happens all the time.

A couple weeks ago I was transporting an older lady(80+ year old, while doing the other job) when her Foley catheter came out. Now, it’s not my favorite thing to do, but for the sake of the patient I had to go in and reinsert the catheter in the old lady’s ba jing jing. While I was doing this, she told me I was a pervert and I should be shot.

So what did I find in common with both of these scenarios? No love. You try and help out, and you still get grief.

Other than that, the new job is great.

By the way…

Anyone know of any available two bedroom apartments/houses in Highland Park? Need one for March.


chris kottre said...


i would let you catheterize me any day of the week

Andrew said...

Bernard Malamud once said, "To be a Sycz is to suffer."

Apparently, this is true.

miller said...

Sycz, ba jing jing has already become a cognate in Russian and Ukrainian. You pop into my head a lot over hear. I know you've got deep roots in this part of the world.