Sunday, May 14, 2006

I got a couple bills in the mail regarding my recent medical adventure.

Now this should be a lesson to all of you. Get health insurance. Because with my ER bill and the doctor bill , my total, for my cut hand, is $1615 .

So I'm back in the hole.

I'm not going to be able to pay this bill off anytime soon. But that's how life sometimes works out. You get the shaft once and awhile and you accept it.

On a lighter note, camping was fun this weekend. I hope Drew got the message that we left him.

The Cubs are really sucking right now. But this is not a new thing. Yet it is incredibly painful to watch them play.

Feliz Dia de Las Madres


Andrew said...

the eagle landed and warmed my cockles. all cockles were warmed. nice reading/listening, btw. how does that book compare to the movie?

Sycz said...

The book is about 10 times better than the movie. And I really enjoyed the movie.