Monday, March 03, 2008

Life is good right now.

I'm dating. And it's fun. And good.

And life is busy. Lots of work. 11 hour work days.

I taught Jr High Sunday school this past Sunday. Focused on John 14:1-6. The kids amazed me with their questions and intellect. They understand. So lucky to do this.

Had a terrible day at work today. Kid tantrumed on me today. And because he decided to go lose on me near a fence adjacent to the row of houses, I let him hit, kick and scratch me to seemingly no end. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Baseball is coming. I love it.


kcs said...

I know the feeling

Matt Pool said...

Baseball IS coming! Let's buz out to Arizona for a quick day or two. Eh?

dmh said...

viva baseball and jn 14.6

Anonymous said...

Sorry for hitting you today Mike