Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cause I miss her.


dmh said...

Cheers: The Beer is Always Greener
Season: 11
Episode: 2
First Aired: 10/1/1992

Woody has been on his honeymoon with Kelly, but they fought the entire time regarding their religious differences which they see as a major obstacle in having a meaningful and successful marriage. Woody is Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod whereas Kelly is Lutheran Church of America.

Frasier's simple advice to Woody does the trick - Woody has to give in if he ever wants to see Kelly naked again.

Woody - "Ask her why she thinks the Book of Concord is not in line with the Scriptures!"

Kelly - "Because it's not."

Woody - "HERETIC !!!"

J. Giunta said...

Love songs are for the weak.

miller said...

I'm so glad you posted this. Good talkin' w/ you today.