Friday, September 17, 2004

Bringing Out The Dead

I just saw a great film. Everyone needs to rent Bringing
Out The Dead.It's about three days of a paramedic's life
in New York. Nick cage is in it. It's directed by Martin
Scorsese. Here are some notable lines from it.

Saving someone's life is like falling
in love, the best drug in the world.
For days, sometimes weeks afterwards,
you walk the street making infinite
whatever you see. Once, for weeks I
couldn't feel the earth. Everything
I touched became light. Horns played
in my shoes; flowers fell from my
pockets ...

You wonder if you've become immortal,
as if you saved your own life as
well. What was once criminal and
happenstance suddenly makes sense.
God has passed through you, why deny
it, that for a moment there, God was

I realized that my training was useful
in less than ten percent of the calls
and saving someone's life was rarer
than that. As the years went by I
grew to understand that my role was
less about saving lives than about
bearing witness. I was a grief mop
and much of my job was to remove, if
even for a short time, the grief
starter or the grief product. It was
enough I simply showed up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Eski here. Linked through xanga. Find me there. Love.