Monday, September 20, 2004

It has been so hard to sleep this week. My mind is becoming my own prison in which I have conversations with people in my head which drives me to feel such great emotional angst. I can hardly study. All I do is pray constantly. I can understand when Paul says to pray without ceasing. That is all I can do. I have such a heaviness in me. A burden that I can barely lift. Though everyday I constantly see God reminding me that He cares and is here with me. Be it through friends, family, and even some strangers I've met. And there have been some note worthy things that have occurred but are too personal in nature to disclose here. I'd rather you ask me about them in person. It's still so hard yet these things let me understand that there is purpose.


Anonymous said...

whats going on mike? how is emt school? me? im drowning. but that doesnt really matter. i just wonder how you are. cause this is not what i had anticipated.
email me if you ever feel so inclined.

Anonymous said...

hey mike. we knew each other slightly at biola a few years ago, and i know exactly what you're going through. the guy that i have been dating, the guy who i was in love with for over a year, who told me he wanted to marry me, broke up with me 2 weeks ago because it was just "too hard and would never work." we have had no contact, and he wants no contact. each breath seems harder to take than the last. it's all i can do to rely on the lord and realize that through my pain, god is doing something great in my life that i can't see. there is a purpose to you pain, to my pain, but we can't see it. it's a burden i feel every moment, and i want to let you know that even though we haven't talked in years, i've been praying for you.

Sycz said...

Thank you for your comment. The words that you wrote are exactly what i feel yet i decided not to write them down. If you don't mind me asking, who are you? I'm just curious. email me at