Saturday, June 11, 2005

Let's be Incredible Vague and Personal at the Same Time

There are certain points in your life in which you feel completely alone, and faced with emotions, decisions, problems, crisises, etc. It seems that many people I know(knew) are faced with this. (Sidebar, why does it seem we all go through this thought process together?) Where every song we hear is about our current situation and we feel that we are the only people suffering in this world. In my case, reminded daily that we(I) are not the only ones suffering. There are things in this world that few of us see, that remind us how truly fortunate we are yet in our human/evil/fleshly selves we still sulk for ourselves. Reminded at the utmost levels yet still, are wallowing in our own feces like pigs.

I'm faced with emotions, memories, that affect daily life, yet these things should be qualmed to an old attic where I should lock them away and forget where I put the key. I wish I could easily do that.

I hear that most men can do this yet it seems that when the Almighty was creating all of our souls, he decided to incorporate in my structure some differences.

In other words, I'm in a funk because once in awhile loneliness hits me especially hard, and I begin to wonder about the "big picture."

So how does one cope with this?

I remember why I'm here.
I'm still an idealist.
I remember the miracles.
I still remember the answers I have received.
I will still save the world.

And as an old friend Jack says, "I'm lonely, but I ain't that lonely yet."


redwine said...

Hope. You have it and reminded me of the hope that is within me.

Sycz said...

I try to have hope. As bad as things get, I can't let go. In the cloth of life, it is them strongest thread.

I still look toward Calvary.