Saturday, September 06, 2008

I've had a weird stomach for a couple weeks know. Had the worst heartburn for a week, then started taking Prilosec OTC about a week ago, it feels better but still funny. Even when I drink water, my stomach turns. I went to my new doctor on thursday and told to take Protonix after the other stuff runs out. Though I don't know if I trust him. He's a little quacky. He promotes a diet that sounds like a starvation method. But he did refer me to a urologist to get my much needed "trimming." If I don't get better in a week I'll visit him again and see what he says.


J. Giunta said...

GERD? Lots of people take Protonix for tummy troubles. It's pretty much the first thing a doctor will recommend. I think this is because doctors are lazy.

P.S. Damion's boss got cancer because of GERD.

J. Giunta said...

Also, portion control is bullshit. If you eat good food until you are satisfied, you don't need to control your portions. I swear I need to go on Oprah and tell the whole fucking world that it's not hard to lose 20 pounds as long as you don't eat shit.
Come see my doctor. She rules. Your doctor sucks.

EMILY said...

do you know what makes me wanna throw up? throw up because i'm pumped? nyc 10/08. let's fuck shit up.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike.Well I Was Wondering That I Meet You At Sun Valley Middle School Tomarrow So Um Good Night Mike.