Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's been some month.


Trying to find a new place to move to.

Finding it.

DMH bachelor party and wedding.

The sadness of seeing friends move.


Dating/not dating

I got a bitter/sweet taste in my mouth. More bitter than sweet. I loved the times of hanging out with friends, seeing them wed, and going off to great things, but I'm a selfish selfish man. I think about what I have lost. I miss them terribly already.

I also had to end a dating relationship for solely pragmatic reasons. Which fucking sucks. I start dating an awesome girl, but for reasons you can email/call me about, I had to break it off because I would have made her worse.

There are two things I require in my future mate.
1. Christian
2. She has to make me a better man.

This girl would have fit both of these requirements. But I'm afraid I wouldn't have done it for her. Fuck.

As it is, I'm an asshole. Torn between my mind and my heart.

Other than that, my new place is nice. The room is pretty much set up. Listening to Bonnie 'Prince' Billy right now.

And if you scroll down to the word "pol" for polish on this page, you will learn what my last name means.


brad said...

1. It has been nice seeing you more.

2. Bonnie 'Prince' Billy is amazing.

Seriously said...

hang out at my house when im home. and the definition is written in space alien.

Sycz said...

It means my name is "Owl" in Polish