Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Back on the Internets.

Surgery went well on the 4th. I didn't go under, just local anesthetic. Surgery was only half an hour but was pretty painful. The anesthetic only numbed me halfway so I felt the suturing going with my tendon and the closing of the wound. But since it was a local, I was able to get out of the hospital quicker and the post surgery pain was much easier to handle.

So I've been back in Burbank ever since.

I think it's healing well. I only used the pain meds for four days total. I have an appointment on Wednesday to take out the sutures and put on a hard cast.

I've been watching a lot of Heroes on Netflix.com. I've caught up to the current season. I like the show. Though the acting is bad, it's hard to go wrong with a good vs evil story.

The Cubs got swept in the playoffs. And strangely the Rockies are in the World Series.

Last Sunday I was made a deacon.

I should be doing a ton of paperwork regarding disability, workers leave and other medical things.


chris kottre said...

so you're in burbank right? that's pretty close to me... i should come take you out.

sorry about your cubbies - i was rooting for them.

dmh said...

glad to hear the surg went well.

Anonymous said...

Brother Mike-
Welcome back to the Interwebs. I have prayed to God that He protect your heel.

A lot has happened since you were gone--including startling revelations on the Presidential candidacy of Dr. Rep. Generalissimo Ronaldo Paul, for whom things are going well on the fund raising front, but very poorly on the "so, who really IS Dr. Rep. Ron Paul?" front.


Sycz said...

Rev. Hipple,

Thank you for doing the Lord's work.