Sunday, March 13, 2005

So the computer is in critical condition and I must take to the ER tomorrow. Poop. I hope I don't lose my hard drive. There are a lot of pictures on there I would hate to lose.

Ever had one of those moments when everything in life going fine and then, all of a sudden, you feel that things are "too right?" That happened to me this week. And things have not been "so right." Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day.

If you happen to be a girl in high school, and somehow come upon my blog, I have a request for you. Please, don't hit on your substitute teacher. Now, you can do your little flirty looks, we don't care. Ask us all about ourselves, we won't answer every question. Heck, compliment him on his looks, we really know that you don't think we are attractive. But please, please, don't ask us on dates. And don't offer us anykind of sexual favors. We are very uncomfortable about that. We hate it. And we are not interested in slutty girls, let alone anyone under the age of 20. Just to let you know.

1 comment:

Sycz said...

I think it's great job for now. I get to chill in a classroom, babysit about 6 different classes for about 7 hours and get paid $120 each time I do it. Plus I can take any day off I want. In the next month I will stop to do full-time EMT work, but for now, it's great. It beats starbucks.