Friday, September 14, 2007

Tuesday night I was playing a pick up game of basketball and hurt my ankle nasty. I can put some weight on it but walking is fairly cumbersome. So I took the rest of the week off at school. Need to rest up and heal. Hopefully heal soon.

I also got a wedding to attend to in Santa Barbara on Saturday. Maybe I can find a cane to borrow.

I received a letter from my church elder board stating they want me to be a deacon. I will be in good company. Like this guy, this guy and this guy.

In the past three days, I've had much time to waste search for various things regarding sport, specifically baseball, some theology and even politics. So I've looking at all the presidential candidates. I've been really liking this guy. Ron Paul. Check him out.

1 comment:

dmh said...

check it out