Tuesday, September 11, 2007

When I look at a calender today, why does today say "Patriot Day?"

Are we suppose to be proud of something?

Tony Pierce wrote a nice little diddy about today.


ms. tea said...


Andrew said...

somebody call homeland security on this dude. patterson, are you reading?

j/k, lol, and stuff.

david hayes said...

You have a calendar that called 9/11 Patriot Day? I'm impressed, but also really creeped out.

Matt Pool said...


Sycz said...

For reals. A couple calenders my parents have September 11th as "Patriot Day." It doesn't sit right me.

J. Giunta said...

i call it dia de los muertos.

Unknown said...

whoa...bold bold move.
Upside down flag? Seriously?
I suppose the guy holding the "why are we in Iraq" sign hasn't really been "up to date" on that fact.

Listen closely to the Democrats they know what they're doing. Notice how the senate takeover was on the bill to pull our troops out? Well, why the hell are they not running for president on that same bill? It's talked about like seniors receiving proper health care...it's a catch phrase with no plan. And another thing...why was the Dem. response to the presidents update to Iraq some douche bag from Rhode Island and not Obamasama bin laden or "I take funds from China" Clinton? C'mon...I know the rep. are busy having gay sex n all, but for real? Who is really fooled by this bull?

Unknown said...

sorry about my post...it's been stressful at work lately. :)